Dear Derech Hateva staff,
This was an incredible experience for Udi. He came back more mature, responsible, positive, relaxed, and happier than ever before. He learned how to work well with others, and be more alert and considerate to their needs. He learned how to think about something before he does it. How to be responsible and act responsibly. He made good and meaningful friendships with the other kids and the counselors and is interested in keeping in touch. He believes in himself more and is more active.
About the Jewish learning and knowledge of the Land of Israel, he had so much resistance before starting, that it was probably very hard to bread through that resistance, but I do believe that you did succeed! He releases comments, feelings and thoughts on these issues slowly, but I believe that we will be seeing his changed attitude slowly but surely throughout the year.
Galia Peled
(Udi's Mother, ITTA07)